It's been awhile since I wrote a blog. A few things have happened since I last "opened" up. I got fired (sort of), doctors thought I have glaucoma (they're still working to see if they can find out what's wrong with me), and I got two of the most adorable kittens in the world.
Yeah, I got fired. But, aside from the crappy/shady circumstances, this is actually a really good thing for me. It means I'm back to working on the floor, as a Team Leader, in the area I love (aka TISS). I'm working mid shift (normally 2230-0645) starting tonight. I'm excited and nervous. I've been off the floor for over a year, so it might be hard to get back into the swing of things. But I'm looking forward to it.
Doctors thought I had glaucoma. I went to sick call one day because I had a TERRIBLE headache and my eyes were hurting/were sensitive to light. They had been like that for about three days. So I went to sick call and the doctor I had was awesome. Definitely not a normal military doctor. For one, she wears civilian clothes. AND she listens to everything you say and doesn't automatically prescribe Vitamin M (motrin for those of you not in the military). Military doctors prescribe Vitamin M for everything. If you're dying because you're bleeding out in your abdomen, Vitamin M will take care of it. If you're going blind, just take Vitamin M. It's bound to work. Anyways, I went to see this awesome doctor and she called over to the optometry clinic and told them to see me right away. I spent a total of 3-4 hours in some form of medical clinic or another that day. The doctor couldn't find out what was wrong with me. So, I'm going back tomorrow (3 weeks later) for a "vision path" test and a normal check-up. My eyes still hurt periodically, and I still get the headache(s) at least once a week. Hopefully they can give me something. I did a little research and I found a medication for "elevated intra-ocular pressure" (most likely what I have). It relieves the pressure, which would be really nice, but it also dyes the whites of your eyes to a really dingy color after so long.. I'm kind of vain, I guess. I like the whites of my eyes being white. But I also like living without pain or discomfort.
I have new kittens - Oscar & Ziggy. They're Tabbies (at least that's what I've been told). One's smart, one's not-so-smart. But they love them and I love them. Ziggy will come up to me, put his nose on my nose, then knead my face with his paws. I was talking to someone about that, and she said kittens normally only do that to their mom's. I guess I'm "mom". I can finally leave them out in the house on their own when I go to work and when I go to bed. They're awesome. They're obedient, too (especially if I come at them with a water bottle to squirt water in their faces - they're not fans of that).
Oh - I've gotten rid of my cable. I'm saving approx. $90/month by getting rid of it. Life seems less complicated without it. I can get my news from the internet and I'm reading a lot more. It's actually very relaxing.
They've found the Avian Flu on a farm near where I work. I guess that's another reason that I won't be able to give blood for the rest of my life. I'm just rackin' 'em up! They're telling us not to worry. They think they've killed all of the infected birds. I wonder what the AF is going to do to keep us from getting it. Maybe another experimental vaccination... fun.
Ok, I should go now. I have to go iron my uniform and shine my boots. Day shift has a uniform inspection tomorrow... I'm not sure if they're going to look at us. But it's better to be safe than sorry.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving. And it's only 31 days until I'm back in the States with Adam and my family. =)