Saturday, February 2, 2008

doubts, questions and something good

I'm not gonna lie - things at work have SUCKED lately. It seems like every time I get a good handle on things/finally completely understand what's going on, something comes around that shoots me down, throws me for a loop... makes me lose my cool. I know, I know - you're shocked. A Taylor woman would lose her cool? Apparently everyone at work thinks I'm pretty even-keeled except for the past few days.

All of this suckiness is really not helping me make the decisions that need to be made (if not by the middle of this month, then by the end of my enlistment). I know what I want to do, and I'm pretty sure it's the right thing. But people keep on telling me I need to make concrete plans for my future. The problem with that? There is absolutely NO WAY to make concrete plans when you're talking about the military. Or when certain things that you're planning on happening can't happen for awhile because of previously existing circumstances out of your control.

Anyway, that is completely stressing me out. Especially because everyone is offering advice. I'm never against being given advice, I just don't think that the advice should make me question everything I've ever considered doing with my future. But enough about that.

I need to learn to stand up for myself against a certain person. This person thinks I know absolutely nothing about what I do for a living. They try to push me around. The other morning I didn't let them push me around, and they just looked at me w/ HUGE eyes wondering what had happened. I must admit, it felt pretty good to have that happen. I just have to work up the nerve to have a one-on-one (with a chaperone/neutral party, also) with this person to talk stuff out. That might take awhile.

I'm not sure why I felt like writing this, but it has been awhile since I've written anything.

Oh - a family characteristic of mine is to try to find the positive in any situation. Well, I can't really find a positive to that situation, but I have been with Adam for 7 months as of yesterday. And I'm seeing him in just over 4 months. Once I return from that trip, it'll be about a month until I return to the States for good. I'm really excited about that. I would like to know where I'm going to be stationed, but oh well. That'll come. It's gonna be so awesome to be close to family again... and hopefully within driving distance of Adam. Yay.

Adam & me at his Mom's house on 20 Dec 07.

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